About UsWelcome to our beautiful beekind honey store where honey is pure, raw and natural. You can become a beekeeper at beekind. Throughout the beekind store you’ll find everything to do with bees, including tips and tidbits on the healthful benefits of honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee pollen and beeswax. Beautiful and Healthful beeswax candles and beeswax candle making supplies. Doug Vincent became a beekeeper in 1998 after his garden continued to fail and he realized the cause was a desperate need for pollinators. He ordered bees and the following year his garden exploded as well as his passion and respect for honeybees. Joining the then “little" bee club in Sonoma County at the time, he recognized the amazing qualities of local and varietal honeys and the many other gifts our beloved honeybee brings to the table such as pollen, propolis, beeswax, royal jelly, bee venom and fascination. Doug then became immersed in the club learning himself and striving to educate the public at the fairs and events that the club participated in. Doug saw a need to make available a steady and local source for beekeepers to sell their honey and purchase supplies. After meeting with the club and getting the group’s approval, Doug and his wife Katia opened the Beekind Honey and Beekeeping Supply Shop in Sebastopol in 2004 right before the Honeybee crash of 2004-2005. Little did they know they would become Bee central for all local aspiring backyard beekeepers to offset the huge honeybee losses at that time and into the now. The once small Sonoma County Beekeeper’s Association has now grown to over 500 members. This growth has been seen across the country and the world as backyard beekeepers have risen to the call of saving the honeybee. Doug, his wife, son and several amazing employees continue to work in and around their store in Sebastopol providing education and making and selling all things bee: honey, beeswax candles, bees, supplies and gifts. At Beekind, you will always find amazing local, varietal, regional and international honeys to taste until your heart is content. Locations: Days of Closure: Shipping: Return Policy: 100% Pure Beeswax: Candle making Supplies, Wick and Wicks: Benefits of Raw Honey: Honey is also used to alleviate depression, fatigue, insomnia and skin disorders, to hasten the healing of wounds, facilitate digestion, as a sedative and antitoxic, and for its antiseptic effects. Honey has natural anti microbial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Honey can be used as a preservative. |